keeping young athletes safe
The Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) limits one-on-one adult/minor interactions and sets standards for training and sport settings that prevent abuse and misconduct. Sport organizations invested in keeping young athletes free of abuse are strongly encouraged to adopt the MAAPP—now required throughout the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement.

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learn maapp basics
These policies guide interactions between adults and young athletes in varied settings and circumstances.

get trained
We offer free live virtual MAAPP trainings tailored for parents, as well as more than a dozen abuse prevention courses at safesporttrained.org.
2025 MAAPP
The MAAPP contains the mandatory minimum standards for education and training, organizational requirements, and prevention policies that the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, National Governing Bodies and Local Affiliated Organizations must implement.
All Organizations must adopt the 2025 MAAPP no later than January 1, 2025. Each NGB and the USOPC must develop a sport-specific MAAPP containing the minimum requirements of the Center’s model policy. Organizations will transition to the new (2025) MAAPP throughout 2024, and more information on your sport’s policy can be found on your Organization’s applicable website or through other communications from your NGB or LAO.

2025 Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies
The full model text of the Center’s education and training, organizational requirements, and prevention policies binding U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement organizations and relevant individuals, effective no later than January 1, 2025. These minimum standards may be bolstered by others adopted by national governing bodies in sport-specific, center-approved MAAPP policies.

2025 MAAPP Manual
Providing detailed information on MAAPP standards, how participants and organizations should implement these policies, sample scenarios, and best practices for appropriate operations and interactions.
Divided among six episodes, these short animations introduce the most important standards and concepts for the MAAPP, required in the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement.