Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies

2025 MAAPP

2025 MAAPP
The 2025 MAAPP contains the mandatory minimum standards for education and training, organizational requirements, and prevention policies. The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, National Governing Bodies, and Local Affiliated Organizations must implement these standards no later than January 1, 2025.
Some Organizations are implementing these standards earlier than January 1, 2025. Additionally, Organizations may implement stricter standards than the Center’s model policy.
featured Resources

2025 MAAPP
The full model text of the Center’s education and training, organizational requirements, and prevention policies binding U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement organizations and relevant individuals, effective no later than January 1, 2025. These minimum standards may be bolstered by others adopted by National Governing Bodies in sport-specific, Center-approved MAAPP policies.

2025 MAAPP Manual
Providing detailed information on MAAPP standards, how participants and organizations should implement these policies, sample scenarios, and best practices for appropriate operations and interactions.

2025 MAAPP At-A-Glance
This eight-page resource summarizes the mandatory standards of the MAAPP and explains key definitions.
Additional Resources
General Consent Forms
This series of model consent forms for sport administrators allows parents and guardians to authorize certain sport-related activities involving their Minor Athlete, to help organizations administer that consent as required by the MAAPP.
Dual Relationship Consent
These model consent forms allow parents or guardians to authorize Dual Relationship exceptions (defined in the MAAPP) to certain sport-related activities involving their Minor Athlete, to help organizations administer consent as required by the MAAPP.
Personal Care Assistant Consent
These model consent forms allow parents or guardians to formally authorize exceptions to MAAPP requirements (based on exceptions related to personal care assistants), to help organizations administer that consent as required by the MAAPP.
Lodging Consent
These model consent forms allow parents or guardians to formally authorize exceptions to lodging requirements (based on In-Program Contact rules or the Close-in-Age exception, outlined in the MAAPP), to help organizations administer consent as required by the MAAPP.
RoadMAAPP: Narrating Medical Care & Modalities
This animated video explains the narrating modalities requirement in the MAAPP. It defines narration, reviews key components, and includes scenarios.