Minor Athlete Dual Relationship Consent Form

These model consent forms allow parents or guardians to authorize Dual Relationships exceptions (defined in the MAAPP) to certain sport-related activities involving their minor athlete, to help organizations administer consent as required by the MAAPP.

Personal Care Assistant Consent Form

These model consent forms allow parents or guardians to formally authorize exceptions to MAAPP requirements (based on exceptions related to personal care assistants), to help organizations administer that consent as required by the MAAPP.

Lodging Consent Form

These model consent forms allow parents or guardians to formally authorize exceptions to lodging requirements (based on in-program-contact rules or the Close-in-Age exception, outlined in the MAAPP), to help organizations administer consent as required by the MAAPP.

Minor Athlete General Consent Form

These model consent forms allow parents or guardians to authorize Dual Relationships exceptions (defined in the MAAPP) to certain sport-related activities involving their minor athlete, to help organizations administer that consent as required by the MAAPP.