How it Works
On this page, you’ll learn about the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) and who it applies to, with links to tailored resources for parents, athletes, coaches, and more.
Who the MAAPP applies to—and when
WHO: The MAAPP is required of all Adult Participants in the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Movement at national, regional, or local levels, regardless of formal membership status.
Leagues and organizations outside the Movement can choose to adopt the MAAPP, and many have. In those organizations, we recommend making all adults with regular contact or authority over minor athletes subject to the policies.
WHEN: The MAAPP applies when there is “in-program contact”—meaning, these three conditions exist:
• An Adult Participant
• A Minor Athlete
• Contact or activity related to sport participation
Three Core Elements
The MAAPP includes:
- An Education and Training Policy that requires SafeSport Training for certain adults in the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement.
- Required Prevention Policies with seven key guidelines limiting one-on-one interactions between certain adults and Minor Athletes. Required in the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement and recommended for any leagues and sport entities.
- Recommended Prevention Policies: Recommended, though not required, for all sport organizations within and beyond the Movement.
8 Main MAAPP Themes
All one-on-one in-program contact between an Adult Participant and a Minor Athlete must be observable and interruptible, except in emergency circumstances.
Recommended of all adult athletes but required of certain U.S. Olympic and Paralympic affiliated adults. See full MAAPP for detail and exceptions.
Adult Participants must follow the one-on-one interaction policy in all meetings where Minor Athletes are present.
Recommended of all adult athletes but required of certain U.S. Olympic and Paralympic affiliated adults. See full MAAPP for detail and exceptions.
Adult Participants must follow the one-on-one interaction policy and related requirements for Individual training sessions.
Recommended of all adult athletes but required of certain U.S. Olympic and Paralympic affiliated adults. See full MAAPP for detail and exceptions.
Adult Participants must follow the policy and related requirements for Therapeutic and Recovery Modalities and Manual Therapy.
Recommended of all adult athletes but required of certain U.S. Olympic and Paralympic affiliated adults. See full MAAPP for detail and exceptions.
Adult Participants must follow the one-on-one interaction policy and related requirements for locker rooms and changing areas.
Recommended of all adult athletes but required of certain U.S. Olympic and Paralympic affiliated adults. See full MAAPP for detail and exceptions.
All electronic communications between an Adult Participant and a Minor Athlete must be open and transparent.
Recommended of all adult athletes but required of certain U.S. Olympic and Paralympic affiliated adults. See full MAAPP for detail and exceptions.
Adult Participants may not transport a Minor Athlete one-on-one during in-program travel.
Recommended of all adult athletes but required of certain U.S. Olympic and Paralympic affiliated adults. See full MAAPP for detail and exceptions.
Adult Participants must follow the one-on-one interaction policy and related requirements for lodging.
Recommended of all adult athletes but required of certain U.S. Olympic and Paralympic affiliated adults. See full MAAPP for detail and exceptions.
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Get Trained
We offer free live virtual MAAPP trainings tailored for stakeholder needs, as well as more than a dozen abuse prevention courses at
Resource Library
You’ll find the full MAAPP and dozens of helpful resources to help make the MAAPP’s application clear in varied settings.