MAAPP Series Conclusion 2021
The concluding episode of this yearlong series reinforces the importance of these policies and summarizes topics and learnings from prior series episodes.
Common policy questions are answered, including nuances of the “observable and interruptible” standard, and guidance on electronic communications and locker rooms.
Parents, Administrators, and the MAAPP
Parent and coach Kelly Moon discusses her experiences with sport and how MAAPP principles guide proactive safety measures she takes with her team.
Coaches and the MAAPP
USA Table Tennis High Performance Director Sean O’Neill describes tactics he has used to introduce and implement the MAAPP in his sport setting.
Communicating MAAPP Requirements as a Parent
Parent Tammy Foster-Johnson shares her views on parent-coach and team-athlete communications styles to support safe and appropriate interactions.
How NGBs are Implementing the MAAPP
In this podcast, representatives from three U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement national governing bodies discuss how they are implementing revised guidance in the 2022 MAAPP throughout their organization.
Why the MAAPP?
This podcast details the development and rationale for the 2022 MAAPP, and how they help prevent abuse and misconduct related to young athletes in sport settings.
2022 MAAPP
This podcast introduces the 2022 MAAPP and summarizes important changes to this version relative to the original 2019 MAAPP version.