In-Program Contact Policy (Spanish)

This one-sheet document outlines how In-Program Contact is defined in the MAAPP, listing its three essential components, and outlining scenarios to help users assess whether certain interactions meet the In-Program Contact standard. 

Electronic Communications Policy (Spanish)

This one-sheet document outlines the application, requirements, and exceptions to the Electronic Communications Policy in the MAAPP, including answers to common questions.

Transportation Policy (Spanish)

This one-sheet document outlines the application, requirements, and exceptions to the Transportation Policy in the MAAPP, including answers to common questions.

One-on-One Interactions Policy (Spanish)

This one-sheet document outlines the application, requirements, and exceptions to the One-on-One Interactions Policy in the MAAPP, including answers to common questions.

MAAPP Event Signage – Locker Rooms (Spanish)

These sign templates can be used by national governing bodies, local affiliate organizations, and their event directors to inform their attendees of MAAPP rules at key event locations. 

Minor Athlete General Consent Form (Spanish)

This series of model consent forms for sport administrators allows parents and guardians to authorize certain sport-related activities involving their minor athlete, to help organizations administer that consent as required by the MAAPP.

Minor Athlete Dual Relationship Consent Form (Spanish)

These model consent forms allow parents or guardians to authorize Dual Relationships exceptions (defined in the MAAPP) to certain sport-related activities involving their minor athlete, to help organizations administer consent as required by the MAAPP.

MAAPP Event Signage- Poster (Spanish)

These sign templates can be used by national governing bodies, local affiliate organizations, and their event directors to inform their attendees of MAAPP rules at key event locations. 

Lodging Policy (Spanish)

This one-sheet document outlines the application, requirements, and exceptions to the Lodging Policy in the MAAPP, including answers to common questions.

2022 MAAPP Manual (Spanish)

Providing detailed information on MAAPP standards, how participants and organizations should implement these policies, sample scenarios, and best practices for appropriate operations and interactions.

Personal Care Assistant Consent Form (Spanish)

These model consent forms allow parents or guardians to formally authorize exceptions to MAAPP requirements (based on exceptions related to personal care assistants), to help organizations administer that consent as required by the MAAPP.

MAAPP Social Media Toolkit (Spanish)

A collection of posts and graphics that can be used by national governing bodies on their social media feeds to communicate key aspects of the MAAPP in concise and compelling for.